There are many glass coating choices available with Cardinal Glass. Your windows are going to last forever so we want to be sure they are built for your needs and comfort for years to come. Cardinal provides a Comfort Calculator if you want to get technical.
Our Favorite Window Build for our Climate
Double Pane, LoE366 for extra solar gain, LoEi89 on the inside pane for keeping the heat in, STC35 Thicker Glass Combo for Extra Sound Proofing and finally, Neat Glass coating on the outside pane to help keep windows cleaner and easier spring cleaning. LoE366 and LoEi89 qualifies for a $50 BC rebate.
Our standard Prime Window Glass Coating build includes – Cardinal LoE270. Below are the available Cardinal Glass Coating options for Prime Windows.

Cardinal LoĒ2-270
DOUBLE COATED FOR ALL CLIMATES – Glass for all Climates and Comfort in all types of weather.
LoE270 coated glass delivers year-round comfort in all types of weather. In summer, it rejects the sun’s heat and damaging UV rays. In winter, it reflects heat back into the room. We include LoE270 on all our windows. Also included is Argon Insulating Gas between the glass.

Cardinal LoĒ³-366®
ULTIMATE SOLAR CONTROL – Loe366 glass is the ultimate performance glass. It just might make all other low-e glass obsolete. LoĒ³-366 delivers the ideal balance of solar control and high visibility. And it provides the highest levels of year-round comfort and energy savings. It’s also the one glass you can use to be compliant in every ENERGY STAR zone – in a double-pane window. Couple it with LoĒ-i89®, and you’re compliant in the North. Its low SHGC makes it compliant throughout the rest of the country as well. It’s the perfect glass wherever you live. (popular affordable upgrade)

Cardinal LoĒ-i89
Room-side LoE -For maximum U-Factor efficiency – Enhanced Winter Performance – Double-pane windows become triple-pane performers. Introducing LoĒ-i89TM, our new energy-saving 4th surface coated glass. It offers more light transmittance and less reflectance than LoĒ-i81. And it’s now available in annealed making it less expensive. Yet it still delivers a center of glass U-factor of just 0.20 when coupled with our LoĒ3 or LoĒ2 glass and argon fill in a double-pane unit. When LoĒ-i89 is used in conjunction with LoĒ3-366®, your windows are in compliance with ENERGY STAR guidelines across the country, including the stricter northern guidelines taking effect in 2014. What’s more, LoĒ-i89 is easy to clean and there’s no haze to mar the view. That’s our new LoĒ-i89, our enhanced performance glass.

Cardinal LoĒ³-340
Solar and Glare Control – The latest in triple-layer tinted coatings – Unprecedented Solar Performance.
The solar performance of our new LoĒ³-340 glass is unprecedented in a double-pane unit – no room-darkening tint required. With its SHGC of just 0.18, it greatly reduces oppressive solar heat gain. And wherever glare is a problem, LoĒ³-340 controls that as well. Then when cold weather rolls around, its low U-Factor reduces indoor heat loss. When it comes to reducing solar heat gain from the blazing sun, LoĒ³-340 simply has no equal. And because it’s not tinted, you enjoy a number of other advantages as well. First, there’s the cost savings of no tint. Then you avoid the disadvantages of tinting: the potential for thermal stress breakage and the potential need to heat treat the glass. When it comes to reducing solar heat gain from the blazing sun, LoĒ³-340 simply has no equal. And because it’s not tinted, you enjoy a number of other advantages as well. First, there’s the cost savings of no tint. Then you avoid the disadvantages of tinting: the potential for thermal stress breakage and the potential need to heat treat the glass. Tinted glass has several other glaring deficiencies. Regular tinted glass works by absorbing sunlight, so the glass becomes hot in the sun. The color of the glass also changes with its thickness. On the other hand, LoĒ³-340’s appearance and performance remain the same regardless of glass thickness.
(expensive and not used in our climate)

Cardinal LoĒ³-180
PASSIVE SOLAR CONTROL GLASS – Ideal for high solar gain applications.
When the weather turns frigid, Cardinal LoĒ-180™ glass is the perfect cold remedy. It keeps homes warmer and more comfortable by blocking heat loss to the outside and letting the sun’s heat stream in. With a glass U-Factor of just 0.26 and an SHGC of 0.69, LoĒ-180 is the ideal product for passive solar applications. It extends a warm welcome home while achieving the highest ER values. Regardless of where your home is located, choosing windows that provide you with the highest level of comfort and energy savings year-round is extremely important. And choosing the right glass for your windows is the most important factor in the decision. Go beyond ordinary low-e glass – choose Cardinal LoĒ-180, the ideal choice for passive solar designs. (expensive and not used in our climate)

Cardinal Neat+
NATURALLY CLEANER GLASS – Makes glass surfaces easy to clean. Cleaner. Greener. New Neat+.
Neat+ glass, the next generation of coating technology that results in naturally cleaner glass. It Pays for Itself in Reclaimed Weekends. Mother Nature + Science = Cleaner Windows. Work can be a pleasure, but window cleaning is a chore. Exterior window surfaces require constant maintenance, but not so with Neat+ glass. Neat+ means glass stays cleaner longer. And when you must clean your glass, it’ll be easier and fast. Neat+ uses a combination of static dissipation to reduce the amount of dust on the window’s surface, along with help from the sun to breakdown greenhouse gases and other pollutants to keep the window naturally cleaner. Conductive Surface: 40% Less Dust. Neat+ is more conductive than uncoated glass, which results in a dissipation of static charge on the surface. Test results from an outside lab show 40% less dust on the Neat+ surface compared to uncoated glass, keeping the window cleaner longer. The result to the homeowner is fewer needed resources like water and cleaning chemicals, which save time, money and the environment. (LoE366 is required for Neat+)